May 2, 2018

Dating Your Spouse

Over time we get comfortable in our relationships and forget how much fun we had with our spouse while dating. We fail to remember that, the same things that attracted us to our partners, may be the very things that perk up the relationship.  I often encourage the couples I see for counseling, to start dating one another again. Why Date Your Spouse? Dating your partner gives […]

May 1, 2018

What Happens When You Say No?

This post is the third of a series of posts covering boundaries.  Who am I kidding, all of my posts are about boundaries in some form.  It’s what I love to talk about.  I think mainly, because so many of us struggle with either setting them or having someone cross them. So, yep, another post about boundaries.  Enjoy! In ‘Boundaries: What Does It Mean?’, we […]

February 22, 2018

How To Recognize When Your Boundaries Are Being Crossed

I’m pretty certain that you’ve experienced this before.  You may not have known exactly what was happening, but you probably felt violated, offended, or a little icky.  Almost like someone picked your pocket, and they weren’t even concerned that you may have seen them do it.  In a previous post we discussed the meaning of boundaries. In this post we will discuss warning signs that are present […]

February 7, 2018

You’re Just Not That Into Them: How To Say “No” To The Date

Valentine’s Day is only a week away.  You may have plans already with a special someone.  Maybe you’re hoping to be asked out by someone you’ve had your eye on for a while.  But what happens when you are asked out by someone you’re not interested in? How do you respectfully decline a date?  A few things to keep in mind when saying “No” to […]

January 31, 2018

Boundaries: What Does It Mean?

Your “bubble”, “personal space”, “front porch”, or “fence”… what metaphor do you use to describe boundaries? This topic is one of my favorites, because so many of us struggle with saying “No”, and setting clear boundaries.  We rarely realize that a lack of defined boundaries is the cause of our relationship and life issues. Healthy boundaries can be the key to enjoyable, lasting relationships, as well […]

December 24, 2017

Looking Back On 2017

Here we are, heading into a new year! You are setting goals and planning new year resolutions—heck, you may even be planning your summer vacation already. Well, not so fast!  Before you dust off your feet and step into the new year, stop for a moment, and take a look back. Look back at all the things you’ve made it through, situations you’ve survived, and […]

December 16, 2016

Goal Setting for 2017

Have you ever had a dream or intentions of accomplishing something, but year after year passed without ever coming close to meeting your target? Writing your goals down, and establishing a plan to accomplish them, has been proven to be effective. Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”.  Author Henriette Ann Klauser, of ‘Write it Down Make It Happen, […]

November 10, 2016

Social Media Detox Challenge

Wow! Due to a long and harsh presidential campaign, many of us are feeling exhausted and raked over the coals. Heightened emotions and bickering with family, friends or coworkers, over whose candidate should win.  This has left many of us worn out! As members of the information age, we have been inundated with articles, posts, memes, tweets, texts, snap chats, and so on.  Have you had […]

May 20, 2015

How to Stay “Up” During Times of Difficulty or Transition

We have all experienced times in life that have challenged us.  Maybe a family member or friend is seriously ill, you’ve been laid off work and unemployed for longer than you expected, or you’re ending a marriage or relationship.  When life becomes a little stormy, here are a few things that can help you stay on your feet. Continue your daily routine When everything around you […]