May 20, 2015

How to Stay “Up” During Times of Difficulty or Transition

By brendaljobe

We have all experienced times in life that have challenged us.  Maybe a family member or friend is seriously ill, you’ve been laid off work and unemployed for longer than you expected, or you’re ending a marriage or relationship.  When life becomes a little stormy, here are a few things that can help you stay on your feet.

Continue your daily routine

When everything around you seems to be changing and out of control the only thing that you can control is yourself.  If you have a daily routine, stick to it as closely as possible.  This will give you a sense of order and normalcy.

Take a vacation from negative people

Negative people can really sink an already challenged mood.  If you’re already having trouble remaining positive about your situation, allowing another negative voice in your head will not help.  So do yourself a favor and take a vacation from these folks.  Where there is transition and challenge, there are opportunities.  Do you want to miss out on opportunities because Negative Nelly is whispering in your ear?  Surround yourself with positive thinkers.  What if you can’t escape negative people?  Set limits on your conversation.  Decide what you will and will not discuss with them.  You’re not obligated to share your every thought or feeling with others.

Practice good sleep hygiene

We underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep.  Getting great sleep is like hitting the restart button on your computer.  Ditch your electronics or watching television until you fall asleep. Take a hot bath/shower before bed.  Have a cup of chamomile tea.  Cut out caffeinated drinks after 4pm and help your body wind down for the evening.  And for goodness sake, evict your pets from your bed!  Actually, prepare yourself for sleep.

Clean up your diet

A dirty diet, full of processed foods, high in carbs, calories and fat can really zap your energy.  During transition you need all the energy you can get.  If all your friends are dirty eaters then maybe it’s time you take the lead and influence them or find healthier friends.

Find opportunities to laugh

Watch as many comedies as you can stand.  Involve yourself in activities that make you smile.  Animals can be therapeutic.  If you don’t want the commitment of purchasing a pet, visit a doggy daycare to watch them play.  Spend time with people you enjoy.  Look for reasons to laugh.

Be active

Get out and get moving.  Indoor workouts are fine, but there is no substitute for vitamin D. Good old sunshine.  Take a walk.  Rent a bike.  Heck, buy a bike. Go see a ball game.  Being active is beneficial in so many ways, not only for your waistline and your mood, but for your social life as well.  Becoming active leads to meeting new people, and remember those opportunities in transition that I mentioned?  Oh… the possibilities.